Shortlisted for a coveted national HSJ award in the NHS Race Equality category.

Great news! Flourish and the Ladywood and Perry Barr Locality Partnership (LPBLP) have been shortlisted for a coveted national HSJ award in the NHS Race Equality category. The accolade recognises the innovative work we’ve facilitated tackling health inequalities, specifically those facing Black and Global Majority women and families in West Birmingham, including:


  • Best Start in Life Health Hacks – with local schools and YPEC
  • Community Research Work Experience – with local schools and NHS practitioners
  • Community and Cultural Immersion Placements – with Flourish members, Birmingham City University and Birmingham’s Public Health Team
  • Doula Connectors – involving Bethel Health and Healing Network and Approachable Parenting
  • The multi-partner ‘Conversational English with Health Literacy’ project (in development)


The cycle of activity responds to listening within the community and addresses the wider recommendations of the ground-breaking BLACHIR report, which highlights the impact of racism and discrimination on key areas of healthcare, including maternity and parenthood.


Lisa Stalley-Green, Deputy Chief Executive of the BSol Integrated Care Board and Chief Nursing Officer, said: “We [the ICS] are committed to tackling all health inequalities…so it’s really gratifying to see work at locality level – led by Flourish and the Ladywood and Perry Barr Locality Partnership – being recognised as a key component in reducing health inequalities.”


Dr Onyinye Okonkwo, Chair of the BSol ICS BLACHIR Task Force, added: “The work being done by Flourish and the Ladywood and Perry Barr Locality Partnership really encapsulates the approach we need to bring the BLACHIR opportunities for action to fruition… It is so important that we have the community voices leading what we are doing as an ICS.”


The Flourish / LPBLP partnership bid was one of 223 shortlisted projects chosen from amongst a record-breaking 1456 entries in several categories. The winner of the Race Equality category will be chosen on 29 September and recognised in an awards ceremony on 16 November in London.


A big thank you to all Flourish members, especially delivery partners in these projects!