The Nishkam Civic Association (NCA) was established in 2003, a relatively new and unique organisation charged with the task of developing a dynamic Sikh faith inspired civic agenda.
It is one of the Five Centres for Excellence founded by Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ), a Sikh faith-based organisation dedicated to nishkam sewa (active, selfless volunteering) to serve the common good.
The Nishkam Wellbeing Centre is a state-of-the art facility offering an excellent array of activities. Recognising the needs of our diverse communities, our Wellbeing Centre is a culturally sensitive environment with alternative days for men and women.
As a well-established Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Legacy WM currently acts as an incubator for Flourish.
Inspired by the heritage of post-war migrant communities in Birmingham, our work celebrates their relationship with the industrial, architectural, and cultural fabric of the City. Early projects included tracing migrant journeys to Birmingham and developing a local heritage trail.
We have four key priorities: Arts, Heritage, Well-being and Community Cohesion.
We deliver a variety of innovative and engaging wellbeing sessions and empower local residents to become Community Champions who identify health issues within their community to develop targeted peer-led solutions.
Birchfield Big Local is a resident-led programme, with most decisions being made by residents of the Birchfield area. Our Partnership Members represent residents’ interests and work with other residents to develop and review the Big Local Plan, which determines the priorities for action.
We would like to see Birchfield become:
- A well-served and connected community, providing new directions to break the poverty cycle and provide a lasting legacy;
- A community that is engaged, empowered, and enabled to address issues to create a prosperous and regenerated area;
- A place where citizens are equal, nurtured and have a collective sense of ownership to make the area somewhere people want to come and stay.
Warm Earth is a not-for-profit gardening group based in James Turner Street, Winson Green. We work with area schools and the local community to promote gardening skills, outdoor activities and healthy eating. Email:
Established in 2012, VOWS (various outreach working services) Community Enterprise CIC is a community organisation operating within Birmingham’s voluntary sector.
We provide a platform for young people and senior citizens to come together to bridge the gap between the two groups, create opportunities and develop projects that are beneficial to both groups. This enables us to create better community cohesion. VOWS has a comprehensive and lengthy working relationship with the senior citizens and young people from the Windrush Generation and Caribbean community.
Some of our biggest achievements are the ‘Make the Dream Real’ projects, Health & Wellbeing Day, Windrush Generation Exhibition, Windrush Gospel concerts, ‘Let’s talk about health’ and our Family Retreat Weekender.
F: vows4u
T: @vows4ue
The NHS is the UK’s National Health Service. Paid for by taxes, the NHS is ‘free at the point of use’, which means people can be treated for free.
The Ladywood and Perry Barr Locality Partnership (LPBLP) represents the NHS in West Birmingham – the Ladywood and Perry Barr constituencies. West Birmingham takes in some of the most culturally rich and diverse communities in the Midlands, including Handsworth, Aston, Lozells, the Jewellery Quarter and the city centre.
With the goal of transforming the health and social care people receive in West Birmingham, LPBLP brings together NHS providers including:
- Hospital and Mental Health trusts
- Local GPs and Primary Care Networks
- Birmingham City Council
- Voluntary Sector organisations
- Residents
Newbigin Community Trust is an embedded, community-based organisation which aims to provide a place of welcome, inclusion and social cohesion for neighbours in the Winson Green and Handsworth areas.
- At The Lodge Road Church Centre, we provide a drop-in crisis service and a social support café, offering help, advocacy and support (housing, benefits, council tax etc).
- At Benson Community School we run a Parent Hub facilitating family and children’s work, drop-in advocacy appointments, mum’s groups and after school kids’ clubs.
- At Newbigin House we hold community meals, monthly community events, kids’ clubs and a weekly youth group.
With three alpacas and a sheep, our mobile animal experience is a form of therapy for children and adults, while in our mobile cooking school, recipes are taught by refugee and women seeking asylum.
All of these programmes have been initiated by community residents with our support.